“Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.


   John 3:5

Child is Baptized

Getting started with your child's baptism:
See below the form for more detailed instruction


Fill out Baptism form


Attend a Pre-Baptism Preparation Course
(in person) Must be completed within the past 2 years


Choose your child’s Godparent(s)

Send questions or digital documents to the Sacrament Coordinator

Spiritual Enrichment after Baptism

When Choosing your child’s Godparent(s) please consider the following guidelines:

  • Parents may choose one or two Godparent(s)/Sponsor(s)

  • At least one Godparent/Sponsor must be a practicing Catholic, the other must be a baptized Christian (Christian Witness).

  • A Godparent/Sponsor must be at least 16 years of age.

Your Catholic Godparent(s)/Sponsor(s) must be:

  • Baptized and Confirmed in the Catholic faith.

  • Practicing Catholics in good standing.

  • Living out their Christian vocation either as a single person, a religious or clergy, or in a valid marriage in the Catholic Church;

  • For more detailed See the guidelines linked to the left

Godparent(s)/Sponsor(s) cannot be:

  • A Non-Christian

  • Anyone raised Catholic but has changed their religion or is no longer practices the faith.

Catholic Godparent(s) –

Parishioners of Our Family of Parishes (Together in Christ) -St. Teresa, Akron; St. Mary's, Swormville; Nativity BVM, Harris Hill; Sacred Heart, Bowmansville; Our Lady of Peace, Clarence

  • Print and complete the Letter of Recommendation for Godparents/Sponsors linked to the left.  (This form is required)

    • After signing and completing this form, drop off, mail or scan and email to Sacrament Coordinator (address linked to the left) this form to the Family Office at the address below for the pastor’s signature; We will notify you when its ready for pick up:

      • 6919 Transit Road, Swormville, NY 14051

Non – Parishioners

  • Must request a Letter of Recommendation from the home parish they attend.  This form is required.

    • Please return letter to the Sacrament Coordinator, by dropping off at the office of the church where the baptism will take place and labeled: attention: Sacrament Coordinator or email it to the Sacrament Coordinator via Digital upload

Christian Witness –

  • Print and complete the Christian Witness Validation/Eligibility Form

    • Please return signed form to the office of the church where the baptism will take place and labeled: attention: Sacrament Coordinator OR by emailing it to the Sacrament Coordinator

Prior to scheduling your child’s baptism, you must submit the applicable paperwork:

  • Registration Form

  • Complete the Pre-Baptism Course (within the past 2 years)

  • Godparent/sponsor Form (signed by the pastor of their home parish)

  • Christian Witness Form (if applicable)

If you have any questions, please contact the Catholic Education Formation Office by:

  • Please note: Baptisms are not scheduled during Lent.

Any parents that are non-parishioners or live out of town, must contact Father Thomas Mahoney at the Parish Rectory (716-688-9380) for approval for Baptism at Together in Christ Family of Parishes. Approval is also required from the Pastor of the church at which the parents currently belong.

Continue to enrich your Child's spiritual life after Baptism

Faith Enrichment begins at home with the family. Please review our Catholic Spiritual Development – Infant to Kindergarten to find ways to introduce our faith to your child(ren).

Parents with children ages birth through age four are encouraged to borrow this specially packed bag filled with many ways to help you teach and share our faith as a family. The sign out period will be for 2 weeks. There are items included that are meant for you to keep and other items meant for you to return with the bag.  Everything is meant to create moments to strengthen you as a domestic Church.  Sign up many times throughout the year as content will be added or changed each Liturgical season. 

Born of Water and of Spirit

Peter [said] to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the holy Spirit. For the promise is made to you and to your children and to all those far off, whomever the Lord our God will call.”


   Acts of the Apostles 2:38-39